Wednesday 14 January 2015

How did I attract/address my audience?

My magazine appeals to the rock/indie fans in numerous ways. Firstly, the title of my magazine “The Alternative” uses intertextuality to appeal to those that like the alternative/indie music genre, while also appealing to an audience who are after a different style of music magazine that does not focused on the more popular artists. The slogan, “your guide to everything indie” reinforces this as indie fans will be more attracted to the magazine.
My feature article photo also uses intertextuality to attract a wide audience. The image is a reference to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon, which will attract an older audience and also an audience who likes Pink Floyd or other similar sounding artists. The main image also uses direct mode of address, attracting an audience as it seems that the band member is staring directly at the audience. The band member is wearing a costume/makeup similar to those used in metal bands such as Slipknot or Hollywood Undead. The metal conventions such as spooky masks and leather jackets attract an audience that likes the metal genre. The anchorage text, “Welcome to the Dark Side”, while also referencing Pink Floyd’s Album, suggests that this issue will focus on the more “darker” music genres, linking to the feature article photo to the text. It could potentially attract an audience who want to be introduced to the metal/hard rock genre.  
My Magazine uses a colour scheme of Blue, Orange and Black. This is because Orange and Blue are complimentary colours which mean that they “pop” out at the audience. The use of black contrasts with the complimentary colours which makes them stand out even more. Due to this, my magazine is attractive and appealing to the eyes, potentially attracting more of an audience.   
The kickers I have used feature bands that are considered popular in the rock music industry such as Radiohead and Muse. The pull quotes present a narrative enigma, for instance “Thom Yorke reveals new album”. The audience will want to know just what this new album is and information about it – therefore they have a higher chance of buying it. However, if Radiohead does not appeal to some members of the audience there are other bands featured on the kickers such as MUSE, therefore there is a higher chance that the magazine will somehow appeal to them. The menu script also features band that my audience could potentially be fans of.
I have also included a plug within a graphic feature which offers the potential audience to “Win a Trip to Glastonbury and a Signed Album”. The potential to win free stuff will attract an audience.
My contents page uses direct mode of address in several images to engage the audience. The black guitar in the main image relates to the magazine context and the fake band name “Dr Peace” reinforces the indie genre. The image in the top left uses connotations of the metal genre (for example the scary mask and dark lighting) to appeal to fans of the metal genre. The caption and fake band name “Child of Dark” reinforces this. The second image uses connotations of the indie/alternate music genre, such as casual clothes and outdoor backdrop. The caption for the 2nd image also uses a fake band name “The Bucket Lists” to reinforce the typical mood of indie bands. I have reinforced these conventions so the audience knows what page features a genre of music that appeals to them.
In the top left hand corner of my magazine I have decided to include a stand out “quote of the month”. This creates an enigma and hooks the audience as they will want to know the story behind the quotation.
The numbered itemised list feature reviews from recent and popular albums from bands in the indie/rock genre. As the list is numbered the audience can instantly locate what page/s the articles that interest them the most are. The article names are coloured orange so they stand out so the audience’s attention are diverted to them.
My colour scheme of black orange and blue has been repeated to create continuity and brand identity.
For my double page spread I have used direct mod e of address to the hook the reader’s attention with my background photo. My model is wearing a black jumper and t-shirt and has his hair gelled, which are the connotations of a “rock star look”.  The quote “I’m not a big people person – I don’t cope with large groups” gives an insight to the persona I have written.
Repetition of the colour scheme and “/\” logo are featured to provide continuity and brand identity.

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